Women, art, sexism

Another tv tip for you today. I’ve just been given a heads up about The Story of Women in Art over on iplayer. There are three episodes, so if we all like it I’ve basically sorted out a couple of nights in for you. Or really my friend has. To celebrate, here’a s wonderful photo of Louise Bourgeois (and below her work) who I once got to interview, but only over email as ‘she’s stopped doing interviews’. Fair dos, she was in her nineties.

Louise Bourgeois portrait | My Friend's House

Louise Bourgeois | The Fragile | My Friend's House

Louise Bourgeois, from The Fragile, MOMA

It’s been said often that women artists have been written out of history and my friend (the enlightener), herself an artist, pointed out how commonly famous male artists would take credit for their girlfriends’ work in times past. Actually not that far past. There’s also an alarming gap between the work of male artists and female artists represented in our biggest international galleries. Bad huh?

I’ll leave you with Cindy Sherman and a link to a piece on The 10 most subversive women artists in history.

Untitled #359




2 Responses to “Women, art, sexism”

  1. Madeleine
    May 16, 2014 at 8:38 pm #

    Oh yes I once saw an exhibition of Camille Claudel’s work (lover of Rodin) at the Rodin museum years ago and his stuff looked so crude and clumsy after hers, she was a masterful sculptor but still not so well known even though there’s a feature length film of her life where Isabelle Adjani plays her. There must be tons more hidden away mustn’t there.

    • myfriendshouse
      May 19, 2014 at 12:15 pm #

      You know I think it was Rodin who my friend was referencing come to think of it. Thanks for the film tip, that sounds good.

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