Trend or travesty: Ercol rap
That’s wrap, obviously. The talented wool worrier Donna Wilson recently exhibited these wrapped Ercol chairs. The first two are the Ercol designs that I’ve been craving for my kitchen. So tell me, is this idea a cashmere cardi, or a dropped stitch?
Definitely unw”rapped” for me. All three would look vastly improved without their homecrafts evening class additions!
This, from a grumpy old woman who gained many bruises as a younger person visiting her mother in law’s sitting room which boasted an Ercol suite. The hard wood just seemed to come out and hit me constantly… and no, I wasn’t into the wine THEN. Sadly we sent it onwards long before it became a desirable item.
Just one comment… WHY?
I don’t like ’em!
Dropped stitch.
Donna Wilson, yes. Wrapped chairs, no.
Agreed. Love your new blog, and it’s great to get a chance to see your new place. Hope you’re settling in and happy decorating