The improvised home

I found these incredible images of homes in the Philippines via the Commune Design tumblr, and had to share them. They were taken by photographer Peter Bialobrzeski at the Baceco compound, a squatter camp near the Port of Manila, home to an estimated 70,000 people.

Case study home

Manila squatter camp

Peter Bialobrzeski hut pictures

Philippines hut

Improvised hut

Homemade hut

Squatter camp Manila

If you want to read more about the photographs and the book, Case Study Homes in which they appear, there is an interesting article here, pointing out of course that their beauty is in danger of eclipsing the reality of the conditions in which the residents live. But I like what the photographer says on his own website about the series:

“Case Study Homes is actually a sketchbook. The collapse of the Lehman Brothers Bank and the paranoia about a second global economic crisis gave these images another dimension. Furthermore, they pay homage to the desire of people to make homes for themselves. The will to survive and creativity manifest in these dwellings made of the waste products of civilization.”


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