Shelf imitating art

For my birthday last week, an insignificant age celebrated with a massive party (really recommend that), My Friend bought me this lovely coffee table book:

Fully of lovely prints, sketches, inspirational bits, it’s a record of Angie Lewin’s work and covers her nature studies in Norfolk and Scotland. There aren’t many images of her studio spaces in the book – and goodness knows we love a nosy desk shot here – but you can see the artist’s house on her website.

And what the hell, I’ll show you a bit of – dare I call it – still life that I started fashioning on my shelf a few weeks ago, involving an Angie Lewin print I already owned.

Cacti, the only plant suitable for House Plant Killers.

4 Responses to “Shelf imitating art”

  1. Patricia Gill
    March 6, 2012 at 10:23 am #

    Dear House Planter Killer – At the risk of being deleted due to gratuitous plugging, I very much recommend these–planters/sky-planters-recycled-range/ which are self-watering. You can’t go wrong !

  2. helene
    March 6, 2012 at 10:26 am #

    Lovely Angie Lewin print but I put the question, “Cacti?…….Trend or Travesty?” Squatting like little spikey aliens.

  3. myfriendshouse
    March 6, 2012 at 10:32 am #

    Ha, yes Helen, we did indeed pose this question some time again
    But as a Plant Killer – and not being quite so freaked by them – I have embraced them. Trend!
    Patricia Gill, presumably you actually need to go near these with water at some point self-watering or not? Even that is beyond me sadly.

  4. Glamorous Glutton
    March 9, 2012 at 11:36 pm #

    What a fabulous book. I love it. GG

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