Sclemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated…

On a loooooooong car journey I was boring my companion about my childhood obsession with having my own flat. At the age of eight I had a picture of a credit card cut out of the Sunday Times magazine and glued to cardboard that I imagined was a kind of swipe key, and I pretended that the downstairs cloakroom was the lift, taking me up to my bachelorette pad after a hard day at the office. I occurred to me as I recounted this that  swipe keys and lifts must have come from American TV shows – certainly my native Cornwall is still pretty much in the stairs and Yale age.

Laverne and Shirley apartment

Which brings me – slowly – to the point of this post. I was not alone in being fascinated with the very unEnglish houses that were the setting for sitcoms of the 80s, from the mezzanine balcony of Charles In Charge to the dramatic stairs of The Cosby Show. Artist and interior design graduate Brandi Roberts has set up Fantasy Floorplans, where her architectural imaginings of these TV homes are available to view and buy as prints. Here is Laverne and Shirley’s, complete with dumb waiter for shouting to Squiggy through.

Fantasy Floorplans  

You’ll find floorplans of everything from I Dream of Jeannie to Seinfeld. Swipe cards at the ready…


One Response to “Sclemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated…”

  1. Patricia Gill
    August 29, 2012 at 8:38 am #

    Can’t believe you remembered the words to that theme tune! Hilarious !

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