RightMove Addicts Anonymous
Let’s examine some evidence, shall we?
I’m looking round houses at the weekend. My pal is thinking of moving to the area and wants someone to come with on a few noseys. The pleasure will be all mine.
At a London Burn’s Night supper I said something (incredibly boring) about an untouched Georgian wreck for sale by the sea. “Is that the one overlooking Morrison’s?” asked another diner, thus outing themselves as a fellow addict.
My mum sends me links to the auction catalogue that she is “mysteriously” signed up to.
My cousin just sent me an email linking to the Parisian apartment below. She didn’t include a message. She really didn’t need to. Here it is here, for all you with a similar addiction:
I just can’t control myself. I just love looking at houses. I should, perhaps, have been an estate agent (apart from that they never seem able to tell the difference between what’s nice and what isn’t). I should have locked Kirstie in a cellar and married Phil. What about you – anyone else want to confess to checking the ‘Move daily? To eagerly tagging along on friend’s house viewings? I know I’m not alone, so come on, tell me about the worst excesses of your property nosiness.
And just in case you’re experiencing a dearth of property envy, here’s this one I just saw featured on the Fail. A Georgian Windmill on Aldeburgh beach? If I ran RightMove you’d be able to narrow your search terms to exactly that.
Enjoy. But don’t buy anything…. I’m not a qualified estate agent. Just an enthusiastic amateur.
Hands up – totally addicted.
I’ve heard how Facebook can ruin marriages ….. I think right move is right on its tail !
Ps how I would love to have a snoop around that Parisian apartment. I used to live in the 9th and it would be an amazing place to live
Thanks Fi, I thought you’d be on the confessions list – the geography of Paris is eternally mysterious to me, so I have no idea where it is. But I’ll see you there, with my cousin…. x
I was chatting to someone at a drinks party a few weeks ago. They were talking about the (major) work they were doing on a house they had bought 9 months ago and would be working on for a few more months. When they mentioned the road it was in I blurted out ‘Oh, that is the one which had the open plan ground floor completely painted bright yellow, isn’t it?’ The look of horror on their faces leaves me convinced they must think I have been stalking them, rather than the house.
ha ha! Perfect. That’s just the sort of story that would happen to me. Forget Facebook stalking, it’s all about RightMove stalking… x
wow- what a place and so exciting to find something that still exists in its ‘raw’ state i.e. untouched by a developer.
Oh yes I dabble but I’m always most struck by the unmade beds, almost closed curtains, piles of laundry and cuddly toys thinking why didn’t they just move them, just for a minute for the photo?
I think, Madeleine, that this website is the one for you! You won’t believe your eyes. http://terriblerealestateagentphotos.com
That’s hilarious, love the captions.