Real reveal: garden-gate

Nature eh? Turn your back for mere moments and the sly old fox is busy reclaiming your immaculately manicured garden. The summer has been somewhat dubious, so it’s taken until now for me to face up to the fact that something must be done. Secateurs in hand I set about cutting down a year’s worth of shameful neglect. Here’s a recap…

Lewisham garden

June 2010: This is my garden just after I got the keys to my house, two years ago. Where I live is, I think, the site of an old quarry. My garden rises up, up, up behind the house, so that you can stand by that fence at the back and look over the roof. It’s cute, the house set in a hobbity hollow, but maintaining the garden is pure hell.

Overgrown south London garden

Aug 2010: A couple of months later it had ‘blossomed’ into this. Sort of wild and romantic in the sunshine, but it’s a fine line between free-form gardening and ‘do you think she’s died?’

Victorian lawn edging

Sept 2012: Oh, garden shame. This is it now, and this is after quite a bit of cutting back. The lawn is now a rustic mix of moss and dandelions, the plum tree is choked with ivy and those shrubs are blocking out the sun.

Autumn cutting back garden

* Cat shown, as always, to illustrate scale

Somewhere under these piles of stuff are the secateurs. This is a Real Reveal as cautionary tale. Don’t leave your garden for a whole year. It’s bigger than you, and clearing it up again will bring you face to face with what it means to be a puny human pitted against the force of nature. For a view of a really lovely garden – and an illustration of the difference between My Friend and myself – here is her recent Real Garden Reveal.

contemporary garden design

8 Responses to “Real reveal: garden-gate”

  1. myfriendshouse
    September 13, 2012 at 8:34 am #

    I hate to tell you this (but am going to anyway) but that ‘recent Real Reveal’ of my garden is a year old. It has been tidied and pruned at least four times since then (winking face). x

  2. Helene
    September 13, 2012 at 9:09 am #

    Oh the shame! But don’t worry, I’ll put your name down for “Garden SOS”. Is there such a TV programme or did I just invent it?

  3. Bob
    September 13, 2012 at 9:25 am #

    It’s all personal taste but I much prefer the look of your June 2010 garden over your friend’s well manicured nod towards minimalism (which I find a bit sterile and ‘easy maintenance’). I don’t have a garden and envy anybody their outside space regardless of it’s state. Good luck; I think you have the foundation of a beautiful little haven… which you’re not showing for dramatic effect (?)

  4. Decorator's Notebook
    September 13, 2012 at 10:53 am #

    Perfect friends… don’t you just hate them? 😉
    When I had my allotment I invented the concept of the Rotavator Party – perhaps a gin fuelled work party is the answer here too?
    I’ll come!

    • myfriendshouse
      September 13, 2012 at 2:12 pm #

      Gin fuelled sounds good – though any tools will have to be binder-twinned to our wrists to avoid losing them (again) x

  5. Anna B
    November 16, 2012 at 12:04 am #

    Your shed rocks!


  1. Seeds of shame « My friend's house - October 5, 2012

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