An Ikea Monkey of my own

Do you remember my fantasy about buying up those outsider art pieces inspired by the monkey left behind in Ikea? Well my kind and talented friend spent his weekend recreating one of them for me, and here it is hanging in Margate.

Ikea monkey painting (more…)

Salvage Hunters TV Show

TV Tip: Salvage Hunters

There’s nothing on TV right? Everyone says it, and everyone else agrees. If you don’t like gruesome medical stuff and aren’t interested in Yeovil Police Force stopping drivers without insurance, there’s nothing. I’ve been ‘reduced’ to watching reruns of Tonight Matthew-era Stars In Their Eyes on Challenge.   Until, that is, I discovered a new […]

Facing up to Mackintosh

That’s the Glasgow School of Art by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, if you’re not familiar. Apparently when RIBA ran a poll to find out the best British-designed building of the past 175 years, this was the winner. And it is pretty amazing, inside and out. I’ve been taking it for granted, because the building – or […]