Tracey Emin’s Bed reloaded
May I direct you this Friday to a smart feature idea I wish I’d had myself? Both Jill and I have discussed Tracey Emin’s iconic My Bed here before, with Real Reveals of our own chaotic bedsides. Actually, true to form I think Jill’s was pretty respectable and mine was a mound of half-read books.
The noted house for paper bags
I was listening to a heated debate on LBC radio yesterday. It was about the Queen’s Speech and the proposal requiring supermarkets to charge 5p for every plastic bag. Something, I might add, I am in favour of. LBC’s callers were more of a mixed – ahem – bag. One lady pet shop owner phoned […]
Prospero’s Cell, Corfu
I hope you will allow me a day or two of post-holiday nostalgia. Just back from Corfu, and I thought I’d share with you this wonderful secret corner. Not that secret mind – two days running, the same English family bugged the hell out of me there by hollering about diving techniques and goggles, instead […]
Tauba Auerbach at the ICA
If it’s possible, I think I still have a holiday hangover from my NYC trip in April. The defining feature of which is missing mooching around an average of three art galleries a day. I’m prescribing night visits as the cure in London (not maybe three a night) and thought I might hit Tauba Auerbach at the […]
Jim Lambie and The Poetry Club
Sorry the blog is coming over a bit Reporting Scotland while Ros is in Greece, I’ve been up the road. In fact, I’m going to take this chance to exclusively reveal the result of my own Scottish Independence poll conducted while up there (I asked everyone I met what they were voting). Which is…pretty much […]