Your two favourite objects
For my birthday last week my close friend asked his boyfriend John – a talented fashion illustrator, among other things – to do me a picture. John asked him to name two things I love, and he’d do a visual riff. My friend’s answer…
Heal’s A/W 2014
At the Heal’s Autumn winter press show last week Ros and I cooed over the many new products. A few things caught our eye especially. Number 1 – a fab contemporary four poster bed by Kirstie Whyte, who is the in-house product and designer manager. She started her relationship with the company as one of […]
Peckham Print Studio and a redevelopment
Today I was planning to post about Peckham Print Studio. A water-based screen printing studio, they not only produce cool work for brands including Urban Outfitters, they also offer open access memberships and workshops for people to learn the skills or create their own work.
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Expensive Mega Trend part II: Lighting. I meant to blog about Areti yonks ago – the design studio, run by two sisters makes beautiful, expensive lighting. It’s beautiful what they do. It’s expensive though. Ok, I won’t be ignorant you can totally see the craftsmanship in the pieces and thus understand why. Here’s their look […]
Tin Tabernacles reimagined
In my childhood, in a little Cornish village, the village hall was known as the Tin Tabernacle. A small building with a porch, it was made of corrugated iron and sat in a nest of brambles near the phone box. I went there to yoga lessons with my mum, and other people’s birthday parties. I […]