Outsider art at the bothy

You may have seen an article about bothys recently – I’ve been directed to a couple, both written to mark the publication of The Bothy Bible, a book documenting the work and properties of the Mountain Bothy Association. This one on the BBC is really good, with interesting history of various of the huts plus my own personal favourite has the worst photo, meaning hopefully it will be passed over by the hoardes who may be tempted into visiting by the publicity.

strathchailleach bothy


The future is….buttery

I have seen the future and it is yellow. But a sort of buttery, warm yellow nothing like the zingy lime-based yellows or Mid C feeling mustards that have been in flavour. This bold announcement comes from a presentation I went to last week held by Joa Studholm, who creates the colours for Farrow & […]

Friday file: Ten Meter Tower

I know it’s not Friday, but that’s another way of saying… this is probably one for the freelancers. Mine and Jill’s esteemed colleague from a job a hundred years ago (when we still got sent paper press releases in the post – how quaint!) used to save up anything that looked vaguely ‘fun’ to read […]

handmade caravan

Hand-crafted caravan

My mum came up to visit with lots of old photos for me to look at – amongst which was this one. Not very old, and I’d forgotten I’d taken it, but it was intended for the blog. The picture is of my childhood toy caravan, a most precious object which was brilliant to play […]