This weekend: A festival with a difference
Is the Great British Festival dead? Same old (very old) headliners, cash points behind every bush, barrista coffees and a ban on legal highs…. I’m not that old but I remember when the only respectable way of getting into Glastonbury was via a rope guarded by a Crustie, or through a tunnel that someone had been digging secretly since April. No one paid. So if you feel that the original, anarchic and boundary-free spirit of the festival has gone, check out Brainchild, on this coming weekend in East Sussex.
Trend or travesty: Frilled satin
Well listen, if he’s done it:
Pumping cash into the Greek economy
Just back from another summer holiday to Corfu, where we did our bit to re-liquidate the economy by buying a lot of Taverna dinners and reducing the feta cheese mountain. The pair of us being news junkies and lefties, we were worried about the crisis in Greece, and addicted to our daily sightings of the […]
Friday house tours
Some classic friday viewing for you, I’ve discovered – perhaps late, who knows I’ve stopped reading twitter – that Vogue has a video strand called Inside the Wardrobes of which, I’m here to tell you is quite fun if you also like snooping around the houses of A listers. I mean, check out Lilly Allen’s wallpaper. […]
RCA Graduate shows 2015
An artist friend had me schlepping to Battersea last night to see the RCA graduate shows of the Fine Art and Material departments – Material being Ceramics & Glass, Jewellery & Metal. I didn’t go to Art School, though I did a design degree, but I did hangout with art schoolers and their fabulous vintage […]