This weekend: A festival with a difference

Is the Great British Festival dead? Same old (very old) headliners, cash points behind every bush, barrista coffees and a ban on legal highs…. I’m not that old but I remember when the only respectable way of getting into Glastonbury was via a rope guarded by a Crustie, or through a tunnel that someone had been digging secretly since April. No one paid. So if you feel that the original, anarchic and boundary-free spirit of the festival has gone, check out Brainchild, on this coming weekend in East Sussex.

Brainchild festival


Friday house tours

Some classic friday viewing for you, I’ve discovered – perhaps late, who knows I’ve stopped reading twitter – that Vogue has a video strand called Inside the Wardrobes of  which, I’m here to tell you is quite fun if you also like snooping around the houses of A listers. I mean, check out Lilly Allen’s wallpaper. […]