Why don’t you: Put off the TV and listen to Alec Baldwin Here’s The Thing instead
Hey I know I was bigging up hobbies in the evening not two minutes ago. But, I’ve also discovered and become totally obsessed with Alec Baldwin’s radio show Here’s The Thing. You could say this is the logical conclusion of coming to the end of all seven 30 Rock series. Anyway, on it the actor interviews a real variety of glitzy guests – Julianne Moore, Thom York, Kristen Wiig, Jerry Sienfeld, too many to mention – and not all are just friends of his. Though of course you get the gist that many are.
*I couldn’t find the original source of this photo (on Pinterest), but it was too good not to use

Is this a crisis?
I’ve started playing the piano again. Just picked up from where I left off aged 17 when I moved out of home to go away and start my adult life. Claire de Lune is the exact place I stopped and it was only half-learnt at that. What kind of person decides to just stop before […]

Walking LDF while My Friend is on an island
Just to recap, Ros is on a sort of self-styled writer’s retreat on a stunning hideaway island in Scotland for a month and has been swimming with otters – I went to the same place during the summer on her recommendation and use the word ‘stunning’ with intensity. I am in London doing London Design Festival. I’m not […]

The one where Jill comes to visit
Can you believe that in all this time, last week was the first time Jill has seen my seaside pad? Yes, many paint colours were discussed. Yes, many junk shops were visited. Yes, a big breakfast was consumed in the caff. It was lovely to take her on a tour of the hipster highlights and […]

Weird book collecting habit
Er, I’m developing an egotistical book habit. I’ve been buying books with my name in the title. That is weird isn’t it? The idea hadn’t occurred to me until an old friend from my magazine days – hello Debi – bought me the first one as a gift. The House That Jill Built – how appropriate? […]