That title is a bit misleading for this is not about the brilliant Flight of The Conchords song. However, today’s post is about hip hop – and art.
London-born, New York-based artist Zoe Buckman is a longtime fan of the music genre and since I was mentioning Yeezy a few weeks ago, I thought her work – vintage lingerie that she hand embroiders with (often misogynistic) quotes from the music genre – would make a nice counterpoint to it.

On the cusp of a kitchen
When I was a child I remember a book from the library about a man living alone who hated to wash up. He bought a flat-bed truck, put all his dirty dishes on it, and drove it around in the rain. This will be me if I don’t make some kitchen decisions and fast. Below […]

Friday sofa fetish
A quick one to give us all something to think about over the weekend… I just saw this on Anothermag.com and my long-running desire for a pink velvet sofa suddenly reasserted itself. Isn’t it gorgeous? And the best thing is that it would go wonderfully with black… …cat… …hair. Oh.

TV catch-up: property porn with a sting
Maybe it’s having been away from TV for a while, or maybe autumn television is always this good – for interiors nerds there’s loads to enjoy on the box at the moment. There’s the new series of Salvage Hunters on Quest, Wednesday evenings (catch-up here). Last episode saw Drew moved almost to tears by finding […]

Floor bore part 2…
…of about 15 parts I would imagine. Firstly a huge thanks to all the useful advice from readers in the comments of my last floor post. Lots of useful info and things to think about. This weekend was the first time I’ve seen the new floor in person. My mum and dad were coming to […]