And on the fifth day…

…lo, water flowed from the garden taps and I was able to wash up. Obviously this still needs tiling and all the rest of it, but honestly, the feeling of water coming out of those taps was almost as good as turning on the tea urn tap in our off-grid cottage.

Brass garden taps

Taps truly are the mark of civilisation. Thanks to everyone who posted comments about brass taps and garden taps – I’ll be back next week, possibly even with a post that’s NOT about my flipping’ kitchen.

Trend: John Booth things

Remember Ros got that brilliant Battenberg-Ikea Monkey art for her birthday? It was by the lovely John Booth who has recently started selling some of his fashion illustrations at new shop They Made This. Each print contains a boy or boys, named after him or them and each one is a splendid vision of pattern […]

Garden taps kitchen

Brass taps… boom!

Thank you to all the readers who posted helpful comments in reply to my wail about why-they-not-sell-brass-taps-that-i-can-afford? All the advice was really helpful, but, as is the way with these things, the final answer came from an unexpected source. As you can see progress on the kitchen creeps onwards – yes, we’ve built the units […]