Back to being busy…

Oh god, it’s the first day back at work. All those Christmassy thoughts of new ways of doing things, a better life, a tidier house, all squashed back in their box again by the sheer weight of nonsense foisted on one during the typical working day. Facebook has been a-flutter with memes on the subject of ‘being less busy’ this last week. Usually posted by the same people who are posting their running stats and pictures of stacks of home-made jam. There’s even a book out, which I got tempted into reading the puff-piece for on the Guardian, about how to have a less stressful life by ‘not giving a fuck’. The author’s definition of not giving a fuck is making sure you write your host a thank you letter so they aren’t offended when you turn down some unspecified future invite. Sheesh….



40s Christmas

O Christmas Tree…

As I too am about to get in a car and drive for 8 hours for Christmas, it’s time to bid you farewell for the year. And as is traditional, I’d like to do that by posting an incredibly lame and grainy picture of my Christmas tree. This year snapped with a large ugly garage […]