Snuggle up for a road trip
Oooo January is miserable isn’t it? I should be in Margate, cleaning the saw dust from every inch of my flat, painting the kitchen shelves and generally getting it ready to live in. But in these early days of January – and a January full of gloomy news at that – with a cold and aching bones, I’m currently staying close to the fire and a working TV instead. I thought you might be too. I went for coffee with a friend yesterday, who likes to ask before a night out, “Ros, what are you drinking?”. Yesterday however, her questions was, “Ros, what are you watching?” Here, for her edification and yours, is my answer.

Bits and bobs of things to do
Hey, sorry for the random wordless posting yesterday. It was sad news and I’d spent the morning immersed in Bowie tributes and well, that video is brilliant in its mood, colours and Tilda-ishness. Instagram/Facebook/The world has been awash with Bowie tributes, but my friend found the image that nobody else seems to have shared. She entitled […]

Lucozade Lament
Oh No! I didn’t, for the first time in ages, drive home to Cornwall for Christmas. And thank goodness. How would I have coped on the five hour journey having been robbed of the final bit of London fun you see from the car window on the way? The iconic 1950s Lucozade illuminated sign that […]

Scary or cool?
Speaking of Facebook – Ros, I’ve totally logged out and am inches away from killing the page – Here is an image I had as my profile pic for a while, which let me tell you did divide opinion.