Tea cup nerd out
Well we’re here, in the flat by the sea as we have been many times before. But this time we’re hopefully staying put. What, then, was the very first bit of cleaning and unpacking I did? Ladies and gentlemen, let me present my cabinet of family heirlooms, long envisaged, now an actual reality in my kitchen. Shall I talk you through it?

New look for books?
Hey. I’m in the process of moving – very slowly I might add – and all the attendant clearing out that involves. Although the place we’re moving to is bigger, it doesn’t have the advantage of a cellar to hide everything in, so I’m trying to do a massive edit of stuff. One of the […]

Nice mood boards from Tapet-Cafe
Interior designers, pattern and colour, textiles and wallpaper folk Tapet-Cafe are an old Danish family business that have a pretty fine collection of moody images on their website that I’m liking but finding hard to pin down. It’s all very proper interior design, house in Hampshire sort of thing. But also edgier than that – […]

Jean Dubuffet
I don’t know much about French artist Jean Dubuffet, but what I’ve seen so far, I like. For one thing, he appears to have been a player of the nose flute. For another, he apparently said this.”For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic.”

Zen and the art of floor waxing
I’ve never read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance but it’s my fella’s main text when it comes to ‘fixing’ the car. I think he’s developed some theory about keeping the windscreen wash topped up as a means to good mechanical karma. This weekend I was engaged in a bit of wax-on-wax-off meditation of […]