Pretty prints

During a couple of unfocussed, internet-based curtain fabric searches – just how is your curtain project coming along My Friend? Cos mine is forever changing and never reaching a conclusion – I’ve been dotting back and forward to Eley Kishimoto for inspiration. The fashion design duo has made several forays into interiors, which have always been lovely, though none are very high profile at the moment. Which, for me is part of the appeal. Here’s a few fabrics from the collection:

Plus some wallpaper – (Black) Flash – that you may recognise from its appearance on various EK fashion accessories (including shoes). I’m sure it was used on a gorgeous red tea set some years ago too, though I can find no evidence of this now.

Here’s hoping for more Eley Kishimoto interiors in future, and to keeping the overexposure at bay.

Milk magazine

Milk it

A magazine dedicated to cool kids and their families? A spin off of said magazine dedicated to groovy child-friendly homes? Sounds irritating? Or is that just me? Anyway, the magazine is Milk, stocked in Selfridges, and their homes version is just delicious. Homes in Amsterdam, Paris, Marrakech and certain specific villages in South West London […]

Nendo’s line

Some simple but lovely furniture by Canadian-Japanese designer Oki Sato and team – AKA Nendo – from the Think Black Lines collection, which was exhibited at the Saatchi gallery earlier in the year. Nendo has produced pieces for Cappellini and Fritz Hansen and did the interior of this ‘parent and child’ cafe in Tokyo I’ve […]

map print fabric

Unconventional curtain

Needs must friends. I’ve had the skimpy panel curtains left by the previous owners up in my front room ever since I moved in. They’re horrible, but choosing curtains and fixings requires such intense concentration, dont’cha find? So I’d thought I’d wait until I’d chosen a paint colour. But the other night these flimsy scraps […]

Bauble or bling?

Putting my mind towards decorating the house for Christmas now, and wanted to ask you this: If you celebrate Christmas are you this kind of decorator… And big respect if you are, although hell on the old planetary resources. Or, is this more your thing? Or – holy moly – does this John Galliano fiasco […]