Brass taps, two ways
Thanks to all readers who joined in on the big brass taps blether that I stared when trying to find some affordable brass taps for my kitchen. Although the kitchen isn’t quite ready for a real reveal yet, a comment from another reader made me think I should show you what my solution looked like. I eventually, at the suggestion of my electrician (a self-confessed Scottish Socialist adrift in Kent, and obviously a firm believer in the democratic principal of good design for all), bought £15 garden taps. Here they are, finally in situ.

starting a ceramics course
I’ve started a ceramics course. There isn’t much to tell you yet, I’ve only had week one – week two is tonight. But I can now claim to know what a pinch pot, a coil pot and slab building all are thanks to our teacher Matt Raw. As well as having the perfect type of […]

A Bigger Splash + get the look
On Monday three friends and I got ourselves to the Curzon Soho for a 6.15pm showing of Tilda Swinton’s new movie A Bigger Splash. It’s directed by Luca Guadagnino – long-time Tilda collaborator, he of I Am Love. The pair came on afterwards for a Q&A and everyone in the cinema focussed intently on Tilda, […]

RightMove Addicts Anonymous
Let’s examine some evidence, shall we? I’m looking round houses at the weekend. My pal is thinking of moving to the area and wants someone to come with on a few noseys. The pleasure will be all mine. At a London Burn’s Night supper I said something (incredibly boring) about an untouched Georgian wreck for […]

A tour of disused Aldwych underground station
Before Christmas our lovely ex office-mates, Rumour PR, invited me to a tour of Aldywch station and the unveiling of new posters from their client London Transport Museum. We met at night in the darkness, adding a bit of extra intrigue to the atmosphere of sneaking into a normally shut underground station – Aldwych opened […]