Weird smell in the house

OK, I’m being frank. I have written this headline with one eye on Google. Because, well, it’s what I just caught myself thinking of Googling.

Shaking Stevens this old house

A hard thing to admit, but there’s a corner of my old house with a weird smell in it. I’ll caveat this with a couple of things. Firstly I’m sure – despite my best efforts – that the house doesn’t always smell that brilliant anyway. If you can say different I salute you. The other thing is that it doesn’t smell all the time. Or even most of the time. It’s a mysterious presence, almost like a ghost, manifesting only on occasion. But, you know, often enough that you’d rather it didn’t.


Paris fly by

I just didn’t turn 40 yesterday (only 39) and in celebration of this, spent the weekend in Paris avec ma famille. Totally forgetting that Paris is shut on sundays, this meant a whizz around some choice things on saturday followed by a slow sunday at the Notre Dame and Shakespeare and Company. I have several […]