Weird smell in the house
OK, I’m being frank. I have written this headline with one eye on Google. Because, well, it’s what I just caught myself thinking of Googling.
A hard thing to admit, but there’s a corner of my old house with a weird smell in it. I’ll caveat this with a couple of things. Firstly I’m sure – despite my best efforts – that the house doesn’t always smell that brilliant anyway. If you can say different I salute you. The other thing is that it doesn’t smell all the time. Or even most of the time. It’s a mysterious presence, almost like a ghost, manifesting only on occasion. But, you know, often enough that you’d rather it didn’t.

Charitable blanket brand and how to donate to refugees
Inigo Scout is a social enterprise that aims to bring blankets to kids in need by donating ten every time a single blanket is purchased. The idea evolved when the founders were in intensive care with their tiny premature twin babies – Inigo and Scout – who were too sick to be discharged. A batch […]

Homes away from home…
Have a look at this home. To tastelessly quote David Frost, who would live in a house like this? Need a clue? Check out the floor…

Views from the top floor
After a good eight years living in a ground floor flat, I once again find myself living in the servants’ quarters at the top of an old house, and so my thoughts have been turning to the pros and cons of having stairs. To reminisce a little, I have had many top floor flats over […]

Paris fly by
I just didn’t turn 40 yesterday (only 39) and in celebration of this, spent the weekend in Paris avec ma famille. Totally forgetting that Paris is shut on sundays, this meant a whizz around some choice things on saturday followed by a slow sunday at the Notre Dame and Shakespeare and Company. I have several […]