A side issue

…but occupying my tiny mind none the less. As my lovely coffee table has been seconded to keep my TV off the floor, I’m after a discrete little something to put my coffee on. I’m currently using an upside-down blue crate and I ain’t happy about it.


I saw these as part of Kate Jacobs’ Milan round up on Interiors Nut. These are by Amandine Chhor & Aissa Logerot.

Amandine Chhor

And these are Puck sidetables by Benchmark.

Puck side table

This the one from Habitat sparked a passion for cherry red, but My Friend has it, and getting one myself might look a bit Single White Female. Especially after the whole thing with the matching haircuts.*

I had been thinking of buying something old on eBay and painting it, but I just tripped over this little fella. It’s from The Conran Shop and it costs… No, I’m going to make you guess.

Spillikins table

 £25. A snip. And in real life it really is the juciest tomato colour. Sold.

* I’m kidding. I don’t even have something that could be called a haircut.

Progress is slow

…In my garden, but I’m still excited about it, still rooting (sorry) for it. I may have said I was planning to have all the changes done by April and yes, I’d even let myself imagine sipping a Campari on the new patio come the good weather. As a reminder, here’s how it looked when […]

40s embroidery

Heirloom lunch

Some people like to know the provenance of the food on their table, I like to know the history of the crockery and linen. This is just a quick picture to show off my beautiful new tablecloth. Brought up to London last week by my Mum, given to me to look after in trust by […]