Tile tension

When you’re particular about things, shopping can be hard, no? Rarely these days, but occasionally I get a notion for something very specific that I want to buy, and I can never ever quite find it. That winter 20 years ago I got it into my head that I really needed some suede boots like the ones Anita wears on the cover of Abba’s Greatest Hits being a prime example. Everywhere now, but then… lots of face pulling on Oxford Street from me. I’m having the same sort of trouble with tiles – the ones I want are suddenly out of production. I’m having a hearth fitted, and instead of smart black slate like I had last time, I want to have a little bit of pattern. My no-wallpaper rule in the new house has worked well I think, but my crazed lust for pattern still exists, and I’m focusing it all on a small area of floor about a metre square. Having done a relentless Google session I fell in love with these Neisha Crosland tiles. Curse you Google. I was better off in my ignorance.

Neisha Crosland tiles



I’m going on holiday on Sunday and need to finish all this month’s work early. So sorry to be brief, but check out this chair that I want. It’s green and pink, and it’s a chair so guess who else is going to want it. I love Abel Sloane’s website, it’s pure furniture porn. I […]