Trend or travesty: Retro barber shops

Barber shops. I’ve seen a few. Most of them can be summed up thusly: Rustic, lads mags, lollies. So it’s thrilling to see a trend emerging for the tidy, product-savvy, retro-vibey barbers. Or, in shorthand, hipster barbers.

The obvious place to start this trend or travesty discussion? East London, of course. Here’s Barry the Barber at Luna & Curious on Calvert Avenue.

Barry the barber  Luna & Curious  My Friend's House

Mmmm, you can almost smell the beard tonic from here. The signage (on rope), the cabinetry, the chairs, the shaving bowl, it’s all so perfect. Assuming that’s Barry, he’s also got dressing-to-complement-your-decorating-vibe down pat.


Next, to LA’s Hawleywood barber shops, which Donnie Hawley started 14 years ago. He has four shops now and plans to move his business to the UK too. hawleywoods-2


Hawleywoods barber |longbeach | LA

Goodfellas meets Coming to America? Whatever, it looks good.

I guess this is really one for the gents to answer, but in my opinion? Trend.




Machinery perverts

Are you one? I know I am. A trend as sweeping as the one where teenaged boys are addicted to online porn (side note: Weren’t teenaged boys always addicted to porn?), this  is pretty kinky and involves heavy machinery. Fetch your hardhat, I’m talking about our growing fascination with the factory work photo. Currently the […]

Maryrose Watson’s textiles

Woah. I’ve just stumbled upon the work of textiles artist Maryrose Watson and had one of those in-the-gut ‘I love that’ moments. A scoot around her website reveals that the London-and-Norfolk based artist works off loom, warping and wefting hand-dyed yarns around frames to create her individual pieces. I’m using phrases like ‘warping’, ‘wefting’ and […]