Optical illusions


No, that’s not me or Ros – we’re more likely to frequent each others living rooms than Shoreditch House (and wear much shorter skirts). That’s actress Andrea Riseborough. But it’s not her Mulberry party dress that earned her a turn on our blog, it’s the floor and bar behind her of course. Diagonal stripes! Last seen looking spesh in Cheshire street shop Comfort Station…

Comfort Station shop interior The fashion accessories and jewellery store was designed by owner Amy Anderson back in 2004, but it looks mint fresh in our monochrome-loving 2013.

Not asking, but politely telling today – TREND.

One Response to “Optical illusions”

  1. Hampshire Furniture
    February 15, 2013 at 5:40 pm #

    I love this. It’s the logical step away from chevrons and makes much more of an impact. I’m crazy for monochrome right now, but I’m kind of imagining it in navy and white instead for something a bit softer.

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