New essential


You’ll have noticed one in the corner of a room you liked in a homes mag. Or sat on one in a swanky bar. You might have put your feet on one in someone’s house or spilt your drink on it when you tried to use it as a coffee table.

What am I talking about? Poufs. Who’d have thought they’d be the last word in style, and yet, they’re flipping everywhere.

Here’s the one that made me want one in my own lounge:


It’s by Christien Meindertsma for Missoni Home. She designed this rug we posted yonks ago.

Now, here’s the weirdest pouf I’ve found.


It’s by Aleksandra Gaca for Casalis and you can buy it from Top Floor Rugs.

The most expensive one I’ve seen is by Fendi Casa (£1370. FOR A POUF), and lastly, here’s the most recent one. It’s from Gan‘s Mangas Space collection, designed by Patricia Urquiola and launched at Maison & Objet last month (loving the yellow and pink Pats).


So yeh, definitely get yourselves a pouf. Definitely.

4 Responses to “New essential”

  1. joanne
    February 7, 2013 at 1:34 pm #

    I’ve started eyeing up poufs too! The chevron one would look very much at home in my house…

  2. secretgardenhome
    February 7, 2013 at 1:58 pm #

    I’d love to have a pouf in my living room:))) But definitely not going to spend £1k on it. lol!

  3. Hampshire Furniture
    February 7, 2013 at 6:29 pm #

    My other half has been wanting a pouf for ages and I’ve always been quite reluctant (memories of pouf’s at my Nan’s house put me off a bit) but looking at these is definitely swinging me. I like the lower ones which can be used as floor cushions as well. Y’know, just in case someone really snooty mocks my pouf choices, I can respond casually with ‘Pouf? No…that’s a Moroccan chair cushion from Japan, dear’.

  4. myfriendshouse
    February 7, 2013 at 7:51 pm #

    No need for Pouf shame, be proud! But yes, a Nan look Pouf is maybe less the ticket now.

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