My Friend’s House is 3

It’s our 3rd birthday! No, I didn’t bake a rubbishy cake this year, but that doesn’t mean My Friend and I aren’t celebrating. We’ve got some guest Real Reveals coming up later in the week, and we’ve been talking about upgrading the site so it still looks charmingly amaturish, but you can find things a bit easier. More news to follow… slowly.

Regarding the look of the blog, we get loads of emails and comments complementing us on our distinctive banner*, so we thought we’d go back in time to the night we gathered round Her kitchen table, a stack of pictures we liked in hand, and created it. Here’s what makes up the hodge-podge. Happy Birthday My Friend. Great taste you have x

Interiors photo montage

1. A photo of me as a child! In a maroon suit knitted by Grandma. It’s a double exposure, so I’m superimposed over a tree.

2. A fortune cookie which says, ‘Happiness is right next to you’.

3. My postcard, sent me by Polish Friend, of Red Tilt by Terry Frost.

4. A funny postcard calendar, the backing in a picture frame I bought secondhand.

5. Photograph by My Friend, taken in the Trossachs looking down towards Loch Lomond.

6. My Friend’s choice. She says, “a lady in a fur hat, from a Hermes ad campaign poster (about how to wear scarves). I have it on the wall above my desk to teach me how to dress.” She already knows how to dress but what a nice idea. I need one.

7. My Friend again: “Blue haberdashers’ thingy from Paris haberdashers (I sound like a massive wanker).”

8. My Friend was psyching herself up to paint a wall of woodwork in a strong blue, hence the paint swatches. Further discussion here.

9. My Polaroid of a stack of Travis McGee books, on a Self Shelf, topped off with a vintage French lamp (never did work).

10. Tile and blue vase both from Heath Ceramics. The tile was having a try-out for the splashback in My Friend’s kitchen.

*We don’t.

5 Responses to “My Friend’s House is 3”

  1. Anna B
    November 14, 2012 at 8:35 am #

    Happy Birthday! 🙂

  2. baby style file
    November 14, 2012 at 9:36 am #

    Happy 3 my lovely Friends. x

  3. debra finn
    November 14, 2012 at 10:27 am #

    happy b day. maybe see u on friday for something alcoholic to celebrate? Debs x

  4. myfriendshouse
    November 14, 2012 at 12:55 pm #

    Thanks you two. Debra, I’m away this year – but hadn’t received the invite come to think of it, so sorry no rsvp – hope it goes brilliantly, I’m sure it will. x

  5. Helene
    November 14, 2012 at 1:07 pm #

    Happy 3rd Birthday My Friend’s House. A day without a post from you is dull indeed!

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