Mini decorating project

News of a piece of inheritance for my daughter and her cousin this week. One dolls house.

In the same week that someone asked, which is creepier, dolls or clowns? I’m going with clowns by the way.

My niece’s Mum is an interior designer.  There’s a real danger this dolls house could prompt two grown women to engage in sending fabric samples to each other in disucssion over tiny curtains and chair upholstery. No come on, we’re not that crazy. Ahem.

Crazier things have happened. Check out this old dolls house project by wallpaper designer Deborah Bowness with Caravan shop owner Emily Chalmers, which they showed one London design week years ago.

Cute isn’t it? Or are you going with creepy?

4 Responses to “Mini decorating project”

  1. Helene
    November 2, 2012 at 10:12 am #

    Definately cute. Makes me wish I still had my dolls house, made for me in the fifties by my Grandpa and my Dad. It was a mock Tudor affair but with electric lighting. Wonder what happened to it…..

    • myfriendshouse
      November 2, 2012 at 7:27 pm #

      Oh wow, what happened to it indeed? Is my caravan still in the attic? That’s worth a post next time I’m around to photograph it x

  2. Stylist's Own (by Joanna Thornhill)
    November 4, 2012 at 5:28 pm #

    I totally love a doll’s house – mine was my Mum’s from the 50’s and is still knocking about somewhere, and in my eyes is a legitimate reason to have offspring one day in the hope I might re-inherit it. Circa 1986 I commissioned a big redesign – Dad repainted the exterior and wired up a couple of ceiling lights, whilst Mum made soft furnishings to my exacting specifications. I believe we may have even added an 80’s ‘stippling’ paint effect to one of the interior walls. They’re the perfect mini-stylist training ground!

    • myfriendshouse
      November 5, 2012 at 9:37 am #

      Wow that sounds amazing, you must reveal all one day. Yes, I’m foreseeing a lot of my wackier decorating ideas taking a little turn in that house, sparing the real house.

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