Lubna Chowdhary’s annual sample sale
Lubna Chowdhary’s studio as shown in Wallpaper magazine
You may have seen her studio before – designed by David Adjaye back when he was a nipper. It’s been in various magazines over the year, including most recently Wallpaper. But tile artist Lubna Chowdhary is about more than just a gorgeous studio. Her work embodies her incredible instinctive eye for colour, and has been seen in all from Margaret Howell shops, as individual pieces to buy, to large-scale architectural installations for the BBC among other clients. She’s currently working on a mosque in Aberdeen.
When I interviewed her for The Chromologist she was a fascinating subject, talking about her cultural background, her Asian and British sensibilities and the cliches that surround that, the way that as a ceramicist she’s obsessed with creating colours when most potters work with only a handful throughout their whole careers.
Tiles in muted colours for Margaret Howell
Lubna is having her annual sample sale this weekend so if you’re anywhere near Streatham go and see her beautiful garden studio in the flesh and rifle for some fabulous tiles while you’re at it. I recommend the large scale pieces – even just one of them propped up on your mantelpiece will cheer you up no end.
Find my interview and all the details of the sample sale here.
Oh, to be able to go to her sample sale. I saw and fell in love with her storage containers a few years back at Ruthin Craft Centre. So beautiful. Her studio’s not bad either.