Junk in the trunk

Oh how I fantasize about making my living by buying charming old tat and selling it on, either at a market or in my imaginary shop. Well I’ve just got addicted to a blog by a girl who’s living the dream.

bowl of apples

Jo Waterhouse lives on a narrow-boat in East London and runs a market stall in Spitalfields. So hunting out trossle* is part of her job. And just for our delight she also posts pictures of it, as well as, occasionally, the fascinating houses of the people she buys it from.

(*Trossle – Trozzle? – is what my Dad calls assorted bric-a-brac. I can’t find the word on the internet. Did he invent it?)

Easter egg foil

This is from a book of Easter Egg foil samples she bought. She’s also got a way with words that just tickles me, nicely summed up in her comment connected to this picture: “this plant did a dance without it’s trousers on.”

unpotted plant

Plus she knows good graffiti when she sees it.

If you’re a lover of old toot, get over to her blog Tootasinfoot for more.

5 Responses to “Junk in the trunk”

  1. Frances Berriman
    September 29, 2011 at 9:13 am #

    “Trozzle”, it’s either a Cornish thing, or a thing someone in the family made up once, ’cause mother says it too (and I think I do, as well. eek.). Much like “teasy” is Cornish?

    • myfriendshouse
      September 29, 2011 at 9:07 pm #

      Hey Frances, great to hear from you. It sounds kind of Cornish, doesn’t it? Or maybe it’s a (Great) Grandpa-ism, like ‘taradiddle’ for a made up story. I’m off to read your blog now x

      • Frances Berriman
        September 30, 2011 at 9:15 am #

        Yes, sorry for the bout of stalkerism. Mum kept telling me about your blog, and I’d dutifully forget about it – but now I get the RSS so I can feel jealous of the lovely things you acquire on a regular basis without having to remember! 😀

  2. helene
    September 30, 2011 at 10:44 am #

    No, “trozzle” is definately not Cornish. I was so certain it was a proper word for “old clutter” that I ran straight for the dictionary but no, Mr Collins has no mention of it. Very sad, but it has certainly been a word in common usage in our family, for ever. Maybe because we have always been great collectors of it both active and passive!

  3. myfriendshouse
    September 30, 2011 at 7:25 pm #

    Yes, so ingrained in the family psyche is the accumulation of junk that we obviously had to invent a word for it!

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