Is it spring yet?

No, is the answer i think, with more snow coming. The daffs all over the garden are refusing to flower, so I had to fling a pound around in Tesco for these.

spring daffodils

In pursuit of some sunshine I’ve just been out to New Cross, where I almost bought a coffee table but got overwhelmed by too much choice, and then visited the new cafe I’ve seen from the bus.

chinwag cafe new cross

Opposite Goldsmith’s, it’s really cute – probably the least problematic of New Cross’s student cafes. I found a seat at an old school desk and wondered about buying a burger. The blackboard promised it would be “the size of your face.” My face is the size of a plate. As were the burgers I could see being consumed.

5 Responses to “Is it spring yet?”

  1. Joanna Cooke
    February 8, 2013 at 1:59 pm #

    I never thought I’d see the following in print:
    “In pursuit of some sunshine I’ve just been out to New Cross”
    I say this as someone who grew up in Lewisham. The burgers sound incredible.

    • myfriendshouse
      February 8, 2013 at 3:30 pm #

      Ha ha! Too true. You have to take your sunshine where you can find it in Lewisham x

  2. Helene
    February 8, 2013 at 10:18 pm #

    May be better to stick to the fish and chips. You’re more likely to get what it says on the tin than with a burger these days!

  3. Decorator's Notebook
    February 13, 2013 at 5:08 pm #

    The first daffs of spring – always a special moment. Nice vase by the way 🙂

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