If you hate Goop…

…then you might like this. Or at least, I think I might like this. It’s the blog of David ‘Talking Heads’ Byrne, which has been up and running for years I think, and it covers all from the food he’s cooked (Shrimp Tacos!) and the places he’s visited to a review of Jay Z’s book Decoded.

At the time of writing this his most recent entry was on Norwegian black metal music documentary, Until The Light Takes Us.


I found myself on the blog because I’m currently reading DB’s book Bicycle Diaries – a sort of niche travelogue that often documents the unusual and sometimes out-of-the way patches of cities, including Berlin, Baltimore, Istanbul and London. Since David is an artist and musician, a lot of the pitstops he makes, and highlights, are that way inclined. For instance, in London he meets Grayson Perry and has tea with Alice Rawsthorn at the Design Museum (before her departure presumably).

What’s keeping me going with it though, is that he seems like a thoughtful, liberal, nice guy whose opinions I find easy to identify with. Also, the cover is nice.

He started riding in the 80’s, first in his hometown NYC, then progressing to take folding bikes with him when touring around the world, which strikes me as an excellent idea for anyone travelling without kids.

He’s even designed bike racks, including this one for the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), which spells out Pink Crown without, allegedly, pertaining to mean anything. Looks good though don’t you think?

I’m just impressed he didn’t call his book Road To Nowhere.

One Response to “If you hate Goop…”

  1. Amy
    August 30, 2012 at 10:46 am #

    bicycle diaries is a fantastic book! x

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