House tape

Because I had a minor op last week (ah, don’t worry I’m fine), my parents came to take care of any heavy lifting required in the house. I’m not really meant to do anything more labour intensive than lead a cup of tea, which someone else made, to my lips. It’s like being on a mini break with staff who, just as you warm up to the idea of being waited on, start to hate you a bit. You suspect.

During this period of convalescence, some alarming things have happened between my Dad, some black tape and various broken things in the house. Like this…

That’s a Smeg fridge. Here it was in happier times. It had become a bit tattered and broken in the shelving region, but it is five. Now it’s all patched up with black tape because some sharp edges, which the kids couldn’t reach, ‘were dangerous.’

There’s also been this:

I remember the satisfaction I experienced after painting the new shed. Then later on when the wood started to warp a bit making opening the door a bit harder, I remember realising that I didn’t mind that slight imperfection. The door opens smoothly now, the edges were sanded back to orange then covered in black tape.

Finally, this:

A kettle whose lid sometimes gently lifted when it was boiling. A user became so incensed with this that an innocent Bodum’s arm is now marked with black tape.

I’ve ordered a replacement fridge shelf (from here) and bought black paint – two things that never would have happened without my Dad.*

What would your parents do to your house if you were otherwise detained?

*He’s actually amazing, kind and cutting back a hedge in the garden as we speak. Will this end when I’m, er, grown up?

11 Responses to “House tape”

  1. myfriendshouse
    November 23, 2012 at 9:01 am #

    My Friend, this is too hilarious. The Man says that it’s very Glasgow – he remembers men with cut fingers with electrician’s tape wrapped around the injury. Can fix anything with it x

  2. Susan
    November 23, 2012 at 9:47 am #

    Hhahahahah! Maybe start leaving that nice japanese tape stuff lying around?

  3. Jo
    November 23, 2012 at 9:51 am #

    This is very good, it did take me a while to see the mend on the kettle – craftmanship. My Dad lives in his palace (shed) in the countryside, if he had to stay in my pokey little 4th floor flat he’d probably just spend his whole time cursing and stubbing his toes.

  4. debra finn
    November 23, 2012 at 9:51 am #

    I love this, your Dad rocks! That’s so funny.

  5. Madeleine
    November 23, 2012 at 10:02 am #

    Get your dad some Sugru for Xmas – I think he will love it. You could form a little weight on the kettle with it. I’m reversing roles and taking some to my mums place to see if there’s anything I can improve on for her old hands.

  6. myfriendshouse
    November 23, 2012 at 10:13 am #

    Thanks for your, em, support people and for the Sugru suggestions. Good idea. Madeleine, I’m glad you commented as I tried to comment on your blog yesterday to say your garden mosaic looks ace but I could’t get it to post. Also, love the Brixton money. x

  7. findthedetails
    November 23, 2012 at 3:52 pm #

    Excellent, all the best fridges have lots of black (or silver, for glamorous days) tape on the inside somewhere. I’d post a picture of mine – it’s essential for holding together the shelf which regularly has to support lots of heavy water (or really I mean wine too) bottles… but I’m sure you can imagine…. Love it.

  8. Alex
    November 27, 2012 at 11:31 am #

    This is very funny! Aren’t Dads great? Perhaps you should source him some decorative gaffa tape for a Christmas present 🙂

  9. Stylist's Own (by Joanna Thornhill)
    December 5, 2012 at 1:48 pm #

    I’m glad it’s not just me who feels totally dependent on grown-up intervention for household matters. When I had my poorly arm in plaster, the day after I left hospital my folks came round – Mum finished off my half-made bedroom blinds whilst Dad customised some flatpack, fixed a door and did some rewiring. He has since been back to build a shed in the rain whilst I made my boyfriend stand outside and assist by passing him tools, to encourage him to learn man-skills. Not sure it worked but hey hoe!

    • myfriendshouse
      December 5, 2012 at 4:50 pm #

      Oh it’s just too familiar sounding. I’m a grown up and yet, am I?! Shed-building Dads are ace (see earlier shed post). x

  10. Carol
    July 14, 2014 at 12:20 pm #

    Hahahaha, yeah not sure I’m a grown up yet either. Although here is a grown up tip. Paint both sides of the shed door, it may still warp a bit, but less so as the paint will cause tension through drying on both sides, thus causing less ‘bend’! May be there is hope for me yet!

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