House arrest

Did you read Julie Burchill’s comment piece in the Observer at the weekend?  She was opining that our love affair with thrift, craft and homemaking is not just conservative but Conservative, and that a love of vintage is hankering after the symbols of a racist, homophobic, classist, sexist past. She also has a go at Jeneatte Winterson and Dolce and Gabbana. What fun! She calls ‘Keep Calm’ the ‘You don’t have to be mad to work here’ of the decade. Bravo.

You don't have to be mad to work here mug

As often with Julie I agree… sort of. The elevation of homemaking does strike me as not only twee but also a bit tyrannical and competitive. Interiors bloggers I’m talking to YOU! It’s women, after all, who are sanding farmhouse tables, patchworking for posterity and making chutney. We had to do all that in the past because life was hard and ladies weren’t meant to go in the pub on their own. Are we romanticising something unhealthy and restrictive? But then… I spend as much time rearranging roses in jam jars as the next homes blogger, and it’s very soothing. There are lots of ways to be creative, or even just busy. And homemade chutney can be delicious. What do you think?


5 Responses to “House arrest”

  1. Katie B
    September 21, 2012 at 8:55 am #

    Tricky one….I agree with you, if not with Julie! For me, it was the “cupcake” trend that bothered the most, as females we couldn’t possibly bake anything that’s not covered in neon gunge…right?
    Personally, I just like keeping myself busy and learning new skills, so yes chutneys, spelt loaves and sewing machines ARE on my agenda, but certainly not because I choose to “Keep calm!”


  2. Patricia Gill
    September 21, 2012 at 10:46 am #

    Ooh controversial! I don’t do twee but I do love baking and doing up old furniture. But shouldn’t this all be about the sister-hood and not being judgemental about anyone’s choices? I like JB most of the time but I think this is a bit harsh – once again someone telling women what they should and shouldn’t do. Like it’s anybody else’s business. People like vintage (whether that’s Cath Kidston-esque or Mid Century Modern) because it’s pretty or cool or has some history to it or whatever the reason. It’s not a political choice. Honestly I think it’s only competitive if we “make” it competitive. Why not admire someone’s beautiful hand crocheted blanket rather than think “crikey well if I didn’t have a job and umpteen children I could be hand crocheting too blah blah blah”. Do you know what I mean? I think alot of the time we make this competitive thing up in our heads. I know I do it and I hate it. I say we all go down to the pub and start a chutney making group there! Sorry my ramblings aren’t very coherent.

    Excellent post ladies as always.

    Patricia x

  3. Elisa Bartels
    September 22, 2012 at 7:30 am #

    Keep calm or don’t make jam. You shouldn’t handle hot liquids if you’re feeling nervous about how you choose to spend your leisure time. Lighten up!

  4. Fayzer
    September 23, 2012 at 9:29 pm #

    I would take anything Julie Burchill says with a huge pinch of salt. She’s just trying to be controversial by picking holes in something a lot of people enjoy. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever seen Julie Burchill write about something she does approve of. Her career seems to be based on being bitter and harping on and on about her ex husband. She should do some sewing it might make her chill out and stop trying to ruin other people’s fun.

  5. kate
    September 26, 2012 at 8:50 am #

    I think Kirsty Allsop should be removed from the equation and it’d all be much better

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