Fantasy business idea
Mr MFH and I are forever announcing to each other that we should open an independent cinema in Se22. My version of the fantasy involves a massive design project including a perfect brasserie (might have been done before), and a few hotel rooms. So really more a boutique hotel with a public cinema. His version tends to get stuck on the details – budget and the likes. Anyway, I’ve found the site…
Actually in SE21, ultra swish and Georgian to boot. The first thing I’ll do is paint that door.
Then all it needs are some of these…
a small one of these…
somewhere nice to eat Eggs Benedict…
and a place for a night cap…
Er yeh and some capital etc.
What would you do if you had some spare millions kicking around?
….if I had some spare millions I’d come and stay at your cinema hotel!
You’ll be styling all the shots for our publicity, so you get to stay for free. x
I believe the term is WIN. and the question….when?
I wanna put myself forward for that job, sorry Pops, you’ve got competition. Spectacular idea. Though a little bit too far away from E1. Can I live in?
Yes! Staff quarters. Will get back to the mood board board and factor that in. Also, if either of you know where I can raise the capital don’t be shy.