Emerald City

So I read, same as you did, that green was going to be big in interiors this season. And I was totally sceptical. I was thinking of the forest green I’ve had to paint over in not one but two rented flats. But no, March’s Elle Deco has shown me the way. It’s moss and emerald green. With pink. With pink.

Pink armchair dark green wall

The two pictures above are from March’s Elle Dec. But hot off the press I was also sent yesterday a new set of Fired Earth paints that are just about to launch. Want a peek? The Archive Collection celebrate’s Fired Earth’s 30th birthday by drawing on colours from their archive.

Fired Earth Archive

These colours are called Mad King George and Eton Mess. Love that bed…

2 Responses to “Emerald City”

  1. Rebecca Besumont
    March 8, 2013 at 8:33 am #

    I’m with you – I’ve never been into green but lately I’m falling in love with emerald green! So much so I’m considering coving an armchair in emerald green velvet!

  2. Helene
    March 8, 2013 at 10:20 am #

    Do Fired Earth also do colours called “Porphyria Purple” and “Blackcurrant Fool”? If not I think they should. I like the bed too.

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