Curtain up…

After two weeks I am physically exhausted, almost destroyed, but triumphant – like Bruce Willis in a vest at the end of Die Hard. It was touch and go, but finally I have marshaled my body weight in velvet into something that hangs up and keeps the breeze out. Here it is having a rest on it’s way to the curtain pole – lovely colour huh?

antique velvet curtain

And here it is up. Terrible picture I’m afraid. It’s the awful gloom of mid January. And my shaky hands, raw from all the stitching. I didn’t even bother to move the remotes out of shot! Call the blog police.

pink curtain

Clearly now suffering some kind of sewing addiction, I couldn’t stop, and have just made that candy-stripy stuff on the left into a cushion cover. Here it is photographed a while ago, with the wallpaper I’m still sort of mulling over (does two years count as a mull?)

candy stripe fabric

2 Responses to “Curtain up…”

  1. babystylefile
    January 25, 2011 at 10:18 am #

    love the curtains, love the cushions, love the wallpaper. show off!

  2. Helene
    January 25, 2011 at 1:58 pm #

    Congratulations! Lookin good. Now for recovering the sofa?

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