Crockery Counselling: Favourite cup

I definitely did not empathise enough when Ros broke her tureen, Tom broke his cup and Madeleine broke her plate. I know that now, because today I broke my favourite, favourite cup and I’m in a right mardy about it.

Japanese ceramics | Broken crockery counselling It – I like to think she – was a gift all the way from Tokyo. I think she’d have liked the natural wood decking I photographed her on. Maybe I should have laid out a sprig of cherry blossom with her.

We’ve said it before, but if you do break something, make yourself feel a tiny bit better by snapping it and sending it to our secretary ( so we can pay our respects to your item here. I’m even going to start a special file on our facebook page for the support group so far.

11 Responses to “Crockery Counselling: Favourite cup”

  1. Jub
    May 14, 2013 at 10:52 am #

    But can’t you reuse it ? maybe putting some succulents in it… ?

  2. susana
    May 14, 2013 at 9:36 pm #

    When a porcelain object is broken, the Japanese, repair it with gold. Actually they emphasize the damage with it, they believe if something has a ” history ” it becomes more beautiful…… And so do I, the same way I love to see my hair turning grey and my skin,”mapping ” the life I have led…. I collect Fornassetti plates, and my favorite one, hangs on the wall, with 3 broken parts, fixed, alas not with gold, but with superglue. Its marvelous…. go on…. try….

    • myfriendshouse
      May 15, 2013 at 9:44 am #

      Susana what a wonderful comment. I’d heard that about Japanese mending of crockery to emphasise where the break was – but it had never occurred to me to link that thought with my own face! Get some gold over the wrinkles is perhaps the answer x

      • susana
        May 15, 2013 at 4:30 pm #

        I still have some kids to raise, so before social services feel tempted, I will stick with the gold on my extremities… and let my body be its own natural magnificent ruin…..but hey, dont be shy…. ( share some pictures! )….. are you also on Instagram ? I am deltabravosierra. would love to follow you…..come on…..
        I really like the idea of gluing your cup together and , adding some coloring ( orange ? neon green ? hot pink ) to the glue…. hum….. or wait
        we have here ( Germany) something else…. I will check the name and write you back

      • myfriendshouse
        May 16, 2013 at 12:02 pm #

        PS We are on instagram:

      • susana
        May 15, 2013 at 4:38 pm #

        Fimo clay….you know ?….couldnt you do something with it ? and I dont mean turn your cup into a kindergarten project, but just a sleek hint of color ?….. anyway…do NOT,,trow your cup

    • myfriendshouse
      May 16, 2013 at 12:00 pm #

      Would love to see your Fornasetti plates, I think the cup has a hairline crack in the body too, so probably not usable for drinking out of but I aim to keep it and love it as something else. Just what…

  3. alicedorothea
    May 16, 2013 at 1:09 pm #

    I broke the handle off my favourite mug, a hand-painted one from Budapest, while washing up (that’s why I avoid washing up). I keep it on my desk for pens now, so I get to look at it all day long.

  4. susana
    May 16, 2013 at 3:26 pm #

    yeiiii….. Im your follower n° 31…..will put Fornasseti phots and tag you…..would love to see Alice’s Budapest mug as well…

  5. susana
    May 16, 2013 at 4:40 pm #

    I just posted 7 pictures for you ( tagged) from all the Fornasetti around my kitchen….Im afraid the photos are not soo good, I wanted to show you the setting as well as the plates, but kitchen/ dining room ( I also have a computer there) is a rather long but straight room and the light…….well… just check it !

  6. Madeleine
    May 19, 2013 at 7:37 pm #

    Big Heartfelt commiserations, there is a time to grieve, then what to do?; I just gave away a load of broken crockery I’d collected (since Lambeth are trying to destroy our housing co-op I’m having to cull my stuff – not easy when you’re a salvage person by nature) to Art 4 Space, a community arts group who work with kids and do alot of mosaic, so it’ll all be used in something positive and constructive. Failing that I hate to be a sugru bore, but I love the method’ if you can’t disguise it make a feature of it’.

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