
Jean Cocteau mural in Soho
I don’t honestly know much about the French writer, artist and film director Jean Cocteau. But I have read that he was an influential figure in the Paris avant-garde scene in the 1920’s, that he was mates with Picasso, had a row with Marcel Proust over a coat, and made friend’s with Charlie Chaplin on […]

Thinking with a paintbrush
I remember my Mum’s friend once telling us about painting a door, in one of those late-night bursts of enthusiasm. Don’t know about you but I never feel inclined to do anything at all until around 11.30 at night, so I can relate. Anyway, the friend said that she woke up the next morning to […]

Expensive mega-trend
I’m having four separate email conversations with friends about patterned and geometric tiles. Everyone wants them. They are, as one of my four (Mia) says, an expensive mega-trend. If you’re into expensive mega-trends, here are some companies to know about. Added to the one we covered and coveted a while ago… From a vast collection, these colourful […]

Sunbeam Jackie
The first sight of sun and I’m declaring it spring (I see by instagram I am not alone). In the time it took to type that sentence the sun just went in, but whatever, to gardens… I just discovered this super snazzy parasol company called Sunbeam Jackie, which is based in Penzance the birthplace of […]