This blog rocks

Havana design

Architecture of necessity

A great phrase, used by artist and designer Ernesto Oroza to describe the homespun design solutions of his native Havana. He has a tumblr devoted to his images of these objects and buildings, and many of them consist of chairs mended with bits of other chairs. They’re creative, honest solutions made using what is to […]

National Geographic Daily

Why am I not subscribing to the National Geographic? Actually, the answer to that is I’ve seen too many shelves in nice houses ‘curated’ with rows of the yellow-spined magazine – I’d ignorantly written it off as a self-conscious purchase. But, a quick look through their tumblr has made me see the error in this […]

gothic mansion

(Don’t) digs

Slouching around the internet I was reading the blog of young fashion journalist in waiting Isabellanecessary. At 17, her thoughts are turning towards university and moving out of home and into her very first ever place of her own, and I found the pictures she posted to sum up what she’s picturing totally charming, so […]

House swap

Well not really, just the return leg of the wallpapering agreement between my friend and I. It was all good and we even wallpapered behind a radiator. For pictures, get over to her terrific new blog, Decorator’s Notebook. Also scroll down for a post on artists in their studios, and a super-cute Croatian holiday house. […]