
Hot trend: round mirrors

Okay, that’s a bold title for what is basically a hot trend with, em, me. Before My Friend well and trully kills me with her Lille purchases, I thought I’d reveal my vintage 1950’s (I was told) mirror. I bought it after much searching for something similar to  an over budget Josef Frank / Svenskt Tenn […]

Biology signs

Bric-a-brac at la Braderie

Imagine if you will a car boot sale large enough to swamp a city. Cobbled streets in every direction filled with stalls piled with random vintage tat. Friendly stall holders ready to barter. And lots of good food and coffee for when it all gets too much. No, you’re right, this isn’t the UK – […]

A corner of Munich

Ah lovely Munich. Yes it’s a full two weeks since I said goobye to you, yet you are still on my mind with your clean and leafy roads and superior approach to efficiency. This is the Glockenbach area of the city or, as our host put it, ‘land of wonderful gay men selling wonderful things.’ […]


Acid drops

I know there’s nothing new in this, it isn’t hot off the press or anything, but as Autumn arrives I’m fully back on board with my original plan for a grey and acid yellow living room. The trigger – these gorgeous new cushions, wallpapers and bits and bobs from Ferm Living. Thanks to the ever […]

Jewelberry Munich

Nice pins

I often see pictures stuck to walls casually with masking tape, sort of mood-board style. Here’s an even nicer way of doing the temporary display wall – seamstress pins. As spotted in Margaret Turtureanu and Lily Sielaff’s Munich jewellery store Jewelberry. The shop was full of cool display ideas. For instance, the table, which makes […]