
Charley Harper needlework

On twitter

Squawk! Birds might be more than everywhere, but I always have room for a bit more Charley Harper. From online craft shop Purl Soho, are these needlepoint canvases of all my very favourite bird pictures. They’re a bit steep, if you ask me, at around 100 dollars without threads. But as it’d take me a […]

Patterned dishcloth

The pain of not having a dishwasher…

…could slightly be eased with an under-sink cupboard full of these. Who knew beautiful dishcloths actually existed? Well they do. Below, the rest of the range, all available from Klippan, and distributed in the UK by Northlight Trading. Thanks to Social Nesting for the tip. He didn’t offer to wipe up though…

Festival antics

Just spent the weekend hopping around strangers’ homes and workshops. The annual Dulwich festival started – an Artists’ Open House event that runs next weekend too (plan your route here). I had no idea how many creative bods were in this hood (over 150 venues take part) and also, how many chatters. Aside from bumping into […]


A side issue

…but occupying my tiny mind none the less. As my lovely coffee table has been seconded to keep my TV off the floor, I’m after a discrete little something to put my coffee on. I’m currently using an upside-down blue crate and I ain’t happy about it. I saw these as part of Kate Jacobs’ […]

New wheels

Other than my garden, new kitchen doors, buying lampshades for all my bare bulbs, getting a rug for the landing and buying new cushions for the living room, the only consumer item really occupying my otherwise selfless mind is getting a new bike. I’ve had my current model – the dead-weight- for 13 years. Of […]