
Art and commerce

Just taking a break from Gripe Week (love that My Friend – wish every week was Gripe Week) to post something I don’t hate. As mentioned on here before, I really like Tracey Emin. Well now, for a short time only, she’s got her own shop at Selfridges, selling her own range of homewares. My […]

Noda Horo

Tokyo shopping

I had very clear ideas about what I wanted to buy on my Tokyo trip. With a limited budget I wanted only to get a specific coffee pot, and the nicest notebooks I could find. Wonderful Tokyo-based blogger Hello Sandwich pointed me in the direction of a few stationery shops. The most chi-chi was 9-storey Itoya […]

Feeling industrial

I live in a Victorian semi and not a vast warehouse thing in East London, but I’ve come over all industrial. It started with one of those monochrome homes I was chatting about, spotting this lamp in the owner’s kitchen looking quite the tough-nut next to some pretty ceramics. The Fork table lamp has a […]

Standfast & Barracks

Big birds

If harping on about birds was a sackable offence we’d be out of jobs round here. Since it’s not, here’s a company I’ve been meaning to blog about since seeing them at Tent / Design Week back in September: Standfast & Barracks, an 80-year-old Lancaster fabric printers. Just check out their birds… Stick a yellow […]

Butterfly wall at Stoke Place Ilse Crawford


I’m blogging at speed today, so a quick mention of a cultural jaunt I really recommend – Sensational Butterflies at The Natural History Museum – well, in a tent in the grounds… The incredibly hot butterfly house contained over 100 live butterflies and moths, some of them landing on your hands, though not mine despite my […]