
Vintage weekend case

Bountiful Japan

My brother is back from Tokyo for a month-long visit. He stayed with me a few days before clearing off with my car to do a grand tour of family and friends. I had asked him to bring me back a certain item of Japanese make-up, which he kindly did, but he also came bearing […]

Leather can be lovely

Was it Joan Collins who said that every woman should own a leather jacket? Well, Joan I’ve never really been a leather fan, fashion or interiors-wise. Until! Until I saw Genevieve Bennett’s work in the flesh. Genevieve sculpts, embosses, engraves, layers, just does stuff (by hand) to leather that makes me like it a lot. Behold: […]

David Saunders

La Lampshade

I haven’t seen anything I’d realistically want to buy, house-wise, in ages, but these Harlequin lampshades by Design Bark caught my eye. Sort of reminds me of the David David notebooks we featured here. And a nice change from birds and flowers.  

Washi tape ideas

Is your keyboard filthy?

Own up. Come on. The keyboard of my cute little white Mac Book is proper grubby. It can’t just be me… Here’s a solution, from HerNewLeaf, if you’ve got the time, and a load of Washi tape on your hands.


Need is too strong a word, but I need new cups-and-saucers so that I can be more delightful when giving friends a cup of tea. Here are the pictures that have led me to such a conclusion: Straight from My Friend’s own kitchen cupboards, a stack of mint green Deco cups with the best handles. […]