
Seinfeld fans behold…

…someone has immortalised the 9-series show on some posters that look pretty good as it goes. The ‘Seinfood’ posters are by artist Rinee Shah in celebration of her favourite food jokes from the show and you can buy them – and more – here. A confession: I was late to the Seinfeld party. As in, […]

Pastels, the right kind

My jeweller friend was having a minor rant lately over the fact that every year the fashion press heralds pastels as a new trend for the coming summer. Fashion folk, is this true? Well anyway, here is some crockery in dull, dull, not too pretty pastels that can be in every year if it wants […]

Poole Pottery John Lewis

Get thee to a car boot

I’ve just been round to see a house to write about it, and found myself gripped with jealousy over their lovely collections of ceramics, from Rimini blue…  to Gurgling fish… and Poole Pottery… I loved the bright blue of the Rimini, available in reissue at Heal’s, and will be scouring car boots, old barns and […]

Coming soon: Vintage Home Show

Just learnt about the new Vintage Home Show, which opens on Sunday 18 March at Chiswick Town Hall. According to the organisers, there will be around 40 exhibitors present selling mainly Mid Century ‘wares and it’ll cost you £4 to check their shizzle out. Hard not to size it up against the slightly more expensive, larger […]

Trend or travesty BHS light

BHS. Do you even know where your nearest one is? Well guess what, the store that opened in 1928 (in Brixton!) has come up with a nice slice of crochet chic for your home… Not very BHS are they? The largest one costs £190 and that’s not very BHS either. So, over to you – […]