
Summer games print


It’s been just me and Morrissey not joining in the Olympic spirit. Everyone else has lost it for the diving, or the 100m cartwheeling or the hoola-hooping, while I have remained pretty much unmoved. But if lusting after vintage prints was an Olympic sport I would of course be tearfully collecting my medal. These Summer […]

Indoor wall planter

Gardener’s world?

On my first day working at my very first interiors magazine the Editor asked me what I thought of a homes shoot. It was a ho-hum kitchen, but I did like the spindly geraniums that were growing on the huge windowsill. Editor looked displeased and told me that house plants were basically anti-style, hopelessly suburban. […]

New shop in Clerkers

Stumbled across the shop Forest in Clerkenwell last week and thought it really sweet. How do you like those yellow window frames? The shop was set up by LCF fashion student Eva Coppens and as you can see her thing is Mid Century Scandinavian design. Eva herself, by the way, was the lovely smiley vision of a […]

Swan news

In Brixton Village over the weekend we passed by the shop Brixi with a ton of these in the window. Good grief, I thought, someone found the mother load of vintage swans at a market and is now selling them for £45 a piece. My mind later swung between fury over another human’s great find […]