
Habitat vintage shop

Have you heard Habitat is opening up its very own vintage shop? Not here, in Paris. Next to the Saint Ouen flea markets. Everyone knows Paris flea markets are pretty magic. So, a Habitat shop nearby, selling all its old products from between the 60’s and 90’s, sounds sort of good. Unless, might it mean […]

newspaper poster

Flights of fancy

A new obsession has swept through the house, and as a result the door to the flat has swapped one celebration of macho sporting culture… …for another… The hallway is the perfect length for an oche (7ft 9 and 1/4 inches) and you can check your stance in the mirror at the other end… The […]

Shop fantasy

Come on, everyone has one. What would you sell in yours? And wouldn’t you like it to be on Lamb’s Conduit Street? Because, holy fun, if you can bother yourself to put a proposal of your shop idea together pretty swiftly, then you can actually win the chance to make it happen as a pop-up […]

Traditional Polish prints

Doopo Doopo

A big up to the massive Polish readership of My Friend’s House today, via Forest Hill. I am no longer a resident of The Hills, but I called in last week to visit a baby, and took a turn around a new shop-gallery, DoopoDoopo. I even made a purchase of this lovely wycinanki cushion (that’s Polish […]