
Address book: C. P. Hart

I declare a trend! And I’m calling it the Non-bathroom bathroom – stay with me. It’s the kind of bathroom that looks like a really beautiful living room, only with some carefully placed necessities – the WC, basin and such. It’s when the freestanding bath is positioned next to a huge window complete with luxury […]

Animal ceramics

This is my mantelpiece… A friend just gave me the ceramic cat’s face, which is by Japanese illustrator / designer Chie Miyazaki. I love it. We saw it together at an open studio event in Camberwell just before Christmas and she remembered my reaction, which is so nice. Here are a few more of Chie’s […]

Cos magazine

My Mum has been sending newspaper clippings to me for years along with notes saying, ‘thought this might be interesting for the blog.’ Last night she arrived to stay with this new Cos magazine and I ‘thought this might be interesting for the blog,’ before she even said it. Cos is a brand, like Toast, […]

Sunbeam Jackie

The first sight of sun and I’m declaring it spring (I see by instagram I am not alone). In the time it took to type that sentence the sun just went in, but whatever, to gardens… I just discovered this super snazzy parasol company called Sunbeam Jackie, which is based in Penzance the birthplace of […]

Cherub wallpaper

Trend alert: Celestial

Did you hear that the Northern Lights have been visible over Essex? Reem, etc… These are not the Northern Lights, but two rugs by FRONT London. Aren’t they wonderful. Mind-boggling, inspiring and, unlike the rugs I’ve been buying lately, excellent for not showing up a spilled pot of Chinese plum sauce.