Real reveals

Next year…

Yes, I know Christmas hasn’t even happened, but the smell of new beginnings has my brain agitating over the things on my to do list for next year. Here are my house resolutions so far: 1: Nail the fabric for Project Curtain…   2. Find a budget-friendly version of this window / door for my […]

Strong white Farrow & Ball

Perfect grey revealed

…at last. Yes, by the time my living room had got to this state: It was clear even to me that I had to just make a decision on a paint colour and stick with it. So last weekend, with sterling help from the HG, I took the plunge. No it’s not white! It’s Farrow […]

map print fabric

Unconventional curtain

Needs must friends. I’ve had the skimpy panel curtains left by the previous owners up in my front room ever since I moved in. They’re horrible, but choosing curtains and fixings requires such intense concentration, dont’cha find? So I’d thought I’d wait until I’d chosen a paint colour. But the other night these flimsy scraps […]

penguin poetry

Books do furnish a room

Found out today that’s the title of one of the 12 (!) volumes of Anthony Powell’s Dance To The Music of Time. Never read it – wasn’t it on the Beeb? The reason I’m writing is merely a pat on my own back for finally carrying out a book-organising task at home. Now, I know […]

Vintage kimono

Kimono My (Friend’s) House

No, you haven’t accidentally clicked onto Tales of A Junkaholic. But, yes, that is my vintage kimono. I’ve been for a big night out, so this is my feeble, hung-over post, and this is what I’ll be looking at, bleary eyed, from my bed. I’ve just, after three years, got around to sewing the sleeve […]