Carpet comeback?

The whole time I’ve worked in interiors, the only type of people I’ve mixed with are carpet-haters. ‘You’ve changed,’ they’ll say, sadly. Because, after years of admiring wooded floorboards and wishing I had parquet, it turns out that permanently cold me is starting to look longingly at things like this…


photo by Debbie Treloar

Rug-on-carpet double warmth.

And, crikey, this…

6a00e5508e95a98833017c33f7c07e970b-700wi No to purple, yes to a comfy lie-down.

Even somebody’s Grandma’s stairs are stirring something…Image

It probably started when I visited Leeds Castle, the place where chevron flooring met floral rugs, so huge, that they may as well have been carpets.

Leeds castle carpets

Carpet comeback? I dunno if I can really do it. Like actually  do it. But a nice herringbone weave or a dark textured grey thing might just transform some of the upstairs rooms of this nippy house.

7 Responses to “Carpet comeback?”

  1. Susan Taylor
    March 11, 2013 at 10:51 am #

    Carpet = a lot of Stain Devils and worse, hoovering. But, BUT there is the introduction of Shake n’Vac into your life, and that is worth anything. I did a hotel once, laid walnut parquet flooring throughout but with a large ‘dark grey deep shag’ [there is no way of saying it without smirking, in site huts with 15 men glaring at me, I have tried and I have failed,] carpet well surrounding the bed, that looked lovely and gave warmth. Just a thought.

    • Kathryn
      March 11, 2013 at 1:39 pm #

      Susan – reminds me of a time when I ordered a ‘Phat Shag’ rug, by phone. Awkward. Can’t remember my choice of words – can I order a / I’d quite like a / etc… (Why did I not email?!)

      Sorry, tangent. I can’t do carpet, yet. I dress like a yeti in my freezing living room – wooden floor wins over personal style choices so far.

  2. Vicky
    March 11, 2013 at 12:36 pm #

    Carpets are a lot quieter.

  3. myfriendshouse
    March 11, 2013 at 2:56 pm #

    I’m enjoying the fact that we are a meeting place for like-minded mature types (but seriously, people are knowingly mocking us with names like phat shag, surely). Vicky you cut to a new point there. Also, I am typing this with two pairs of trousers on. Not joking. I think I’m edging closer to the carpet all the time.

  4. Rebecca Beaumont
    March 11, 2013 at 8:05 pm #

    I love the carpet on the staircase – brings back childhood memories of my grandmothers house! She was in love with florals, velvets and anything luxe!
    I think a statement area of carpet (like stairs) is brilliant!

  5. Madeleine
    March 15, 2013 at 8:13 am #

    I think they can be the cheapest flooring and they are good for sound insulation. I hate thinking what’s in ‘other people’s old carpets’! but if it’s your own it’s ok. I got 2 steam cleaned for £24 a room – I thought that was ok. Really gorgeous flooring costs arms and legs, so although I was reluctant at first I have to say I’m, pro a discreet carpet.

  6. Beth
    March 17, 2013 at 9:23 pm #

    We just moved into a place with some carpet (yes, I steam-cleaned it), and I have to say it’s kind of cozy in the bedrooms.

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